Who is eXRt?

08.09.23 09:00 AM Comment(s) By Laura

Who is eXRt Intelligent Healthcare?

Let us introduce ourselves! We are a technology company born out of academics and technologically minded individuals whose goal is to deliver accessible rehabilitation to those with neuro-logical conditions through the use of VR.  

Our company name derives from the word ‘exert’ meaning strength and effort, which is exactly what we aim to deliver to our patients.


Our small start-up company officially began 2 years ago but has been in the making since our CEO, Dominic Holmes, developed our product as part of his Ulster University project. eXRt now has 5 employees as well as our advisor and start-up manager.


Read on so you can get to know us more!

Our Mission

We seek to create a sustainable, self-managed and accessible rehabilitation platform 

to mobilize neurological disabilities.”

We are a determined, talented and driven team that bring together our love of technology, our award-winning research and our passion in order to help people. 

We formed eXRt Intelligent Healthcare to do just that - help people

Why is our work important?

  Accessible rehabilitation: Users can continue their rehabilitation journey using our VR products in the comfort of their own home 24/7.

  Maximize recovery:We use the latest technology in our rehabilitation exercises and games, co designed by patients and rehab specialists, to maximize patient recovery.

  Under pressure workforce: We also aid healthcare professionals, carers, and staff in order to allow them more time with patients and spread their time more efficiently. 

What we offer

·  VR headset loaded with our rehabilitation games and exercises

·  Web app where healthcare professionals can monitor patient progress remotely

·  Technical support on call Monday - Friday for any technical difficulties

VR Rehab Software

resynk is loaded with our rehabilitation games and exercises to recover patients' motor and cognitive function

Web App

Healthcare professionals can monitor their patients progress remotely 24/7 with our web app

Technical Support

Our technical support team are on call Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm for any technical difficulties

If you are interested in getting to know more about our company or would like to request a demo of our products, email us at info@exrt.io or check out our social media pages for more information!

Meet the Team

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